Chicot the Jester
Gelesen von John Van Stan
Alexandre Dumas

This sequel to Dumas' “Marguerite de Valois” begins four years after the sudden death of King Charles IX and succession of his brother Henry III. The reign of King Henry III was plagued with rebellion and political intrigue due to the War of the Three Henries, where his regency was challenged by King Henry of Navarre (leader of the Huguenots) and Henry I, Duke of Guise (leader of the Catholic League). Dumas weaves two main storylines through this turbulent backdrop: one of the love ignited between le Comte de Bussy and la Dame de Monsoreau, and another of the friendship between King Henry III and his truly unique jester, Chicot (Jean-Antoine d'Anglerais). - Summary by jvanstan (15 hr 29 min)
How, without anyone knowing why, the king was converted before the next day
Read by John Van Stan
How the angel made a mistake and spoke to Chicot, thinking it was the king
Read by John Van Stan
How Henri III. traveled, and how long it took him to get from Paris to Fontaine…
Read by John Van Stan
How Chicot, forced to remain in the abbey, saw and heard things very dangerous …
Read by John Van Stan
How Remy-le-Haudouin had, in Bussy's absence, established a communication with …
Read by John Van Stan
How Brother Gorenflot awoke, and the reception he met with at his convent
Read by John Van Stan
How Brother Gorenflot remained convinced that he was a somnambulist, and bitter…
Read by John Van Stan
How Brother Gorenflot traveled upon an ass, named Panurge, and learned many thi…
Read by John Van Stan
How Brother Gorenflot changed his ass for a mule, and his mule for a horse
Read by John Van Stan
How Chicot and his companion installed themselves at the Hotel of the Cross, an…
Read by John Van Stan
How Chicot returned to the Louvre, and was received by the King Henri III.
Read by John Van Stan
How the King annexed a chief who was neither the Duc de Guise nor M. D'Anjou
Read by John Van Stan
How Bussy was offered three hundred pistoles for his horse, and parted with him…
Read by John Van Stan
How the King learned the flight of his beloved brother, and what followed
Read by John Van Stan
How, as Chicot and the Queen Mother were agreed, the King began to agree with t…
Read by John Van Stan
How M. de St. Luc showed M. de Monsoreau the trust that the King had taught him
Read by John Van Stan
In which we see the Queen Mother enter the town of Angers, but not triumphantly
Read by John Van Stan
How M. de Monsoreau opened and shut his eyes, which proved that he was not dead
Read by John Van Stan
How M. le Duc D'Anjou went to Meridor to congratulate Madame de Monsoreau on th…
Read by John Van Stan
In which we meet two important personages whom we have lost sight of for some t…
Read by John Van Stan
How the ambassador of the Duc D'Anjou arrived at the Louvre, and the reception …
Read by John Van Stan
How M. de St. Luc acquitted himself of the commission given to him by Bussy
Read by John Van Stan
In what respect M. de St. Luc was more civilized than M. de Bussy, the lessons …
Read by John Van Stan
What was passing near the Bastille while Chicot was paying his debt to Y. de Ma…
Read by John Van Stan
How Brother Gorenflot found himself more than ever between a gallows and an abb…
Read by John Van Stan
Where Chicot guesses why D'Epernon had blood on his feet and none in his cheeks
Read by John Van Stan
Great reader for English translation of French classic

I chose to listen to an English translation, thus I didnât care about the minimal French words (a few words per chapter). Great reader! Maybe other reviewers should listen to French versions of this book?
love this book

this book by Alexander Dumas is my 5th favorite some people say his books were too long but that's how long books were in the 1800's and they are Alexandre Dumas was poor and lived a horrendous life which is not true when Alexandre Dumas died he had a net worth around about 6 million dollars which was a lot back then and he lived a luxurious lifestyle
Intrigue and suspense, oh my!

This is a wonderful text. It started out a bit slow, but more and more I was pulled into the story and found myself wondering what would happen to each set of friends. Chicot, Gorenflot, and Penerga the mule are my favorite characters. This story definitely made me look into the history of Chicot, and I was not disappointed by that, either. Enjoy!

Dumas never fails to entertain. Van Stan never fails to narrate superbly. France was fortunate that Henri of Navarre was available!
great story. fantastic narration !

Enjoyed this story both for the content & style & also for the excellent narration !

I agree with another viewer. People who are bothered by incorrect French pronunciations should listen to the book in French.
good book
Dave Minnich

good and interesting. note to the negative, the reader has a poor French accent. I.e. mispronounced French words.

Passion, betrayal, politics, romance, honor, greed and mischievous plot. Perfectly well read by John. Highly recommended.