Amelia (Vol. 2)

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

(3 stars; 13 reviews)

The second volume of Amelia. - Summary by Libby Gohn (7 hr 31 min)


Book V, Chapter I: In which the reader will meet with an old acquaintance. 18:01 Read by Gabriela Cowan
Book V, Chapter II: In which Booth pays a visit to the noble lord. 11:32 Read by Gabriela Cowan
Book V, Chapter III: Relating principally to the affairs of serjeant Atkinson. 10:27 Read by Gabriela Cowan
Book V, Chapter IV: Containing matters that require no preface. 13:58 Read by Gabriela Cowan
Book V, Chapter V: Containing much herioc matter. 10:26 Read by Gabriela Cowan
Book V, Chapter VI: In which the reader will find matter worthy his considerati… 14:47 Read by Gabriela Cowan
Book V, Chapter VII: Containing various matters. 14:44 Read by Gabriela Cowan
Book V, Chapter VIII: The heroic behavior of Colonel Bath. 13:37 Read by Gabriela Cowan
Book V, Chapter IX: Being the last chapter of the fifth book. 10:18 Read by Gabriela Cowan
Book VI, Chapter I: Panegyrics on beauty, with other grave matters. 11:42 Read by Lynne T
Book VI, Chapter II: Which will not appear, we preseume, unnatural to all marri… 9:57 Read by Lynne T
Book VI, Chapter III: In which the history look a little backwards. 13:38 Read by Lynne T
Book VI, Chapter IV: Containing a very extraordinary incident. 11:24 Read by Malcolm Fisher
Book VI, Chapter V: Containing some matters not very unnatural. 10:48 Read by Malcolm Fisher
Book VI, Chapter VI: A scene in which some ladies will possibly think Amelia's … 12:48 Read by Malcolm Fisher
Book VI, Chapter VII: A chapter in which there is much learning. 8:12 Read by KHand
Book VI, Chapter VIII: Containing some unaccountable behavior in Mrs. Ellison. 6:13 Read by KHand
Book VI, Chapter IX: Containing a very strange incident. 9:53 Read by KHand
Book VII, Chapter I: A very short chapter, and consequently requiring no prefac… 4:59 Read by Lynne T
Book VII, Chapter II: The beginning of Mrs. Bennet's history. 18:17 Read by Lynne T
Book VII, Chapter III: Continuation of Mrs. Bennet's story. 12:21 Read by Lindsay
Book VII, Chapter IV: Further continuation. 9:03 Read by Lindsay
Book VII, Chapter V: The story of Mrs. Bennet continued. 17:41 Read by Anna Simon
Book VII, Chapter VI: Farther continued. 15:26 Read by Lynne T
Book VII, Chapter VII: The story farther continued. 6:37 Read by Betty Perry
Book VII, Chapter VIII: Further continuation. 11:38 Read by Jacquerie
Book VII, Chapter IX: The conclusion of Mrs. Bennet's history. 9:21 Read by Jacquerie
Book VII, Chapter X: Being the last chapter of the seventh book. 10:23 Read by Jacquerie
Book VIII, Chapter I: Being the first chapter of the eighth book. 9:39 Read by Lynne T
Book VIII, Chapter II: Containing an account of Mr. Booth's fellow-sufferers. 6:19 Read by Anastasiia Solokha
Book VIII, Chapter III: Containing some extraordinary behavior in Mrs. Ellison. 12:30 Read by Khaghbboommm
Book VIII, Chapter IV: Containing, among many matters, the exemplary behavior o… 10:14 Read by Lynne T
Book VIII, Chapter V: Comments upon authors. 17:00 Read by Lynne T
Book VIII, Chapter VI: Which inclines rather to satire than panegyric. 8:27 Read by Kristin G.
Book VIII, Chapter VII: Worthy a very serious perusal. 6:09 Read by Kristin G.
Book VIII, Chapter VIII: Consisting of grave matters. 12:50 Read by Lynne T
Book VIII, Chapter IX: A curious chapter, from which a curious reader may draw … 11:37 Read by Lynne T
Book VIII, Chapter X: In which are many profound secrets of philosophy. 28:42 Read by Brantly Moore



(4 stars)

Because reading can be a very difficult job I make it a rule to never disparage anyone who has donated so much time and effort. However, for some reason my patience forsook me when I started Volume II of this fine piece of literature. I ended up skipping the sections that were too difficult to understand. So, with that I say that if you enjoyed the first Volume, Volume II of Amelia is a must!


(1 stars)

The book begins with an unintelligible reader. Accent so thick and common words so dreadfully mispronounced that the story never quite begins. The time and energy that went into this production was wasted.