George Müller of Bristol

Read by Dave Harrell

(4.9 stars; 41 reviews)

George Muller was a great hero of faith. His greatest aim was to demonstrate that God answers prayer and can be trusted for every minute detail of life. Spending countless hours asking God to provide his needs, he only relied upon God. God called him to care for orphans and he conducted his orphanage in the same way, on faith alone. When a certain need was apparent, they would immediately go to God in prayer. In this dynamic dependance on God, He always proved faithful. He also established over a hundred schools, educating over a hundred thousand people! His example of absolute dependence on God stands in the gap of history to declare that God is enough, and He is faithful! (Summary by Kimberly Krause)

Dedicated proof-listeners: Larry Wilson, Fiddlesticks, & Kimberly Krause (0 hr 29 min)


Introduction & A Prefatory Word 8:53 Read by Dave Harrell
From His Birth to His New Birth 26:44 Read by Dave Harrell
The New Birth and the New Life 27:51 Read by Dave Harrell
Making Ready the Chosen Vessel 25:04 Read by Dave Harrell
New Steps and Stages of Preparation 24:09 Read by Dave Harrell
The Pulpit and the Pastorate 31:40 Read by Dave Harrell
The Narrative of the Lord's Dealings 30:47 Read by Dave Harrell
Led of God Into a New Sphere 29:10 Read by Dave Harrell
A Tree of God's Own Planting 30:16 Read by Dave Harrell
The Growth of God's Own Plant 33:25 Read by Dave Harrell
The Word of God and Prayer 33:36 Read by Dave Harrell
Trials of Faith and Helpers to Faith 29:59 Read by Dave Harrell
New Lessons in God's School of Prayer 30:00 Read by Dave Harrell
Following the Pillar of Cloud and Fire 29:52 Read by Dave Harrell
God's Building: The New Orphan Houses 38:44 Read by Dave Harrell
The Manifold Grace of God 36:49 Read by Dave Harrell
The Shadow of a Great Sorrow 21:55 Read by Dave Harrell
The Period of World-wide Witness 37:07 Read by Dave Harrell
Faith and Patience in Serving 34:52 Read by Dave Harrell
At Evening-Time-Light 21:31 Read by Dave Harrell
The Summary of the Life-work 29:32 Read by Dave Harrell
Church Life and Growth 33:52 Read by Dave Harrell
A Glance at the Gifts and the Givers 35:30 Read by Dave Harrell
God's Witness to the Work 35:06 Read by Dave Harrell
Last Looks, Backward and Forward 32:36 Read by Dave Harrell


Changed My Life

(5 stars)

Every Christian should read this book! Me. Mueller’s life of prayer is an example for us all. When I first started reading, I thought the book was dry. When I begin listening to this reader, the book came to life. Excellent reader! Thank you!

An unbelievable life!

(4 stars)

The life of George Muller is an inspiration to anyone looking to be a completely sold out follower of Jesus. What a testimony! The narrator reads clearly, but very matter-of-factly. I would have enjoyed it more had the narration been a bit more dynamic.

Amazing life... Slightly tedious book

(3.5 stars)

If you're going to read one George Muller book, maybe not this one. The author does a lot of sermonising and not a lot of story telling. However, still very encouraging and challenging.

autobiography of George Muller

(5 stars)

it is one of the best acts on faith that I have ever heard. it hasn't been inspired many to a walk of faith in Jesus Christ.

Great book!

(5 stars)

Enjoyed the reader. The book was a great encouragement but what I really enjoyed was the deep thinking.

Great book/Good reader

(5 stars)

George Mueller had such a great prayer life. I do recommend this read.

for our good and His glory

(5 stars)

Rich in content and well read.

(5 stars)