The Getting of Wisdom (Version 2)

Read by Kirsty Leishman

(4.4 stars; 7 reviews)

Henry Handel Richardson was the pseudonym of Ethel Florence Lindesay Richardson, a writer who was born in 1870 to a reasonably well-off family which later fell on hard times. The author's family lived in various Victorian towns and from the age of 13 to 17 Richardson attended boarding school at the Presbyterian Ladies' College in Melbourne, Victoria. It's this experience that feeds directly into The Getting of Wisdom. Laura Tweedle Rambotham, the main character, is the eldest child of a country family. She is a clever and highly imaginative child, given to inventing romantic stories for the entertainment of her younger siblings, and an avid reader. She is also both proud and sensitive and her mother finds her difficult to handle. Her mother is the widow of a barrister who supports her family in genteel poverty on her earnings from embroidery. At the age of twelve Laura is sent off to boarding school in Melbourne. Her experiences at school shock and humiliate the unworldly Laura. The girls at the school are generally from rather wealthy families and those, like Laura, who come from less fortunate backgrounds learn very early not to divulge their circumstances for fear of ridicule. From time to time Laura lets little snippets of information about her family slip out, and she suffers for it. (Summary by Wikipedia) (7 hr 6 min)


Chapter I 14:33 Read by Kirsty Leishman
Chapter II 14:59 Read by Kirsty Leishman
Chapter III 15:05 Read by Kirsty Leishman
Chapter IV 21:19 Read by Kirsty Leishman
Chapter V 18:13 Read by Kirsty Leishman
Chapter VI 9:47 Read by Kirsty Leishman
Chapter VII 18:23 Read by Kirsty Leishman
Chapter VIII 15:27 Read by Kirsty Leishman
Chapter IX 21:14 Read by Kirsty Leishman
Chapter X 14:01 Read by Kirsty Leishman
Chapter XI 13:44 Read by Kirsty Leishman
Chapter XII 17:33 Read by Kirsty Leishman
Chapter XIII 8:41 Read by Kirsty Leishman
Chapter XIV 22:48 Read by Kirsty Leishman
Chapter XV 16:47 Read by Kirsty Leishman
Chapter XVI 15:18 Read by Kirsty Leishman
Chapter XVII 12:58 Read by Kirsty Leishman
Chapter XVIII 19:51 Read by Kirsty Leishman
Chapter XIX 28:13 Read by Kirsty Leishman
Chapter XX 16:21 Read by Kirsty Leishman
Chapter XXI 15:37 Read by Kirsty Leishman
Chapter XXII 18:21 Read by Kirsty Leishman
Chapter XXIII 16:47 Read by Kirsty Leishman
Chapter XXIV 26:43 Read by Kirsty Leishman
Chapter XXV 13:47 Read by Kirsty Leishman


surprisingly good

(4 stars)

Well read and in an appropriate Aussie accent. didn't know what to expect. interesting that Church and Christianity features throughout and prominently in the end but each of the last few chapters beginning with quotes of Nietzsche's