Here now find all available episodes of the long-running (and continuing) podcast series, Old-Time Radio Essentials . Created by Pete Lutz in 2019, and co-hosted with Paul Arbisi and an ever-changing roster of the Number 3 slot (in chronological order: Jane St. John, Dave Feldmann, Dave Robison, and Patte Rosebank) -- is it something we said? OTR-E showcases a specific episode from a different radio series in each episode, playing it in full, then discussing its merits. Occasionally we have a guest listener or two join us. Specifically, we're trying to determine if: 1. Is it truly representative of that series? (Can anyone point to it and say, "Yes, that is what [NAME OF SERIES] was all about.") B. Is it an episode worthy of inclusion in any and every OTR aficionado's private collection? So listen and enjoy, and feel free to leave reviews or comments. New episodes will be loaded as they are created.

This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
