Woman in Sacred History

Read by Ron Altman

(4 stars; 1 reviews)

A series of sketches of 19 women in the Bible, drawn from scriptural, historical and legendary sources. Separated into 3 divisions: Women of the Patriarchal Ages (Sarah, Hagar, Rebekah, Leah & Rachel); Women of the National Period (Miriam, Deborah, Delilah, Jepthah's daughter, Hannah, Ruth, the witch of Endor, Esther & Judith) and Women of the Christian Era (the mythical Madonna, Mary, the daughter of Herodias, the woman of Samaria, Mary Magdalene & Martha and Mary). - Summary by Ron Altman (7 hr 59 min)


Introduction 33:36 Read by Ron Altman
SARAH The Princess 18:16 Read by Ron Altman
HAGAR the Slave 19:53 Read by Ron Altman
REBEKAH the Bride 22:36 Read by Ron Altman
LEAH & RACHEL 24:00 Read by Ron Altman
MIRIAM, Sister of Moses 52:31 Read by Ron Altman
DEBORAH the Prophetess 21:55 Read by Ron Altman
DELILAH the Destroyer 12:33 Read by Ron Altman
Jephtha's Daughter 9:30 Read by Ron Altman
HANNAH the Praying Mother 17:49 Read by Ron Altman
RUTH the Moabitess 21:42 Read by Ron Altman
The Witch of Endor 18:29 Read by Ron Altman
Queen ESTHER 31:35 Read by Ron Altman
JUDITH the Deliverer 22:42 Read by Ron Altman
The Mythical Madonna 23:39 Read by Ron Altman
MARY the Mother of Jesus 52:58 Read by Ron Altman
The Daughter of Herodias 8:38 Read by Ron Altman
The Woman of Samaria 10:40 Read by Ron Altman
MARY MAGDALENE 17:45 Read by Ron Altman
MARTHA & MARY 38:27 Read by Ron Altman