Myths of Northern Lands

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

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The aim of this handbook of Northern mythology is to familiarize the English student of letters with the religion of his heathen ancestors, and to set forth, as clearly as possible, the various myths which have exercised an influence over our customs, arts, and literature.

As Norwegians, Danes, Swedes, Icelanders, Germans, English, and French all came originally from the same stock and worshiped the same gods, so these tales formed the basis not only of their religious belief, but also of their first attempts at poetry. They are the classics of the North, and deserve as much attention at our hands as the more graceful and idyllic mythology of the South.

The most distinctive traits of the Northern mythology are a peculiar grim humor which is found in the religion of no other race, and a dark thread of tragedy which runs throughout the whole woof. These two characteristics, touching both extremes of the scale, have colored Northern thought, and have left their indelible imprint upon all our writings even to this day.

The mythology of Greece and Rome, growing as spontaneous and luxuriant as the tropical vegetation, came to its full fruition and began to decay before the introduction of Christianity. But Northern mythology, of slower growth, was arrested in mid-career before it had attained its complete development. - Summary by the Preface (10 hr 17 min)


The Beginning of All Things 29:06 Read by Brize C
Odin 48:39 Read by Belinda McReynolds
Frigga 33:43 Read by Brenda Maddox
Thor 49:49 Read by Brize C
Tyr 20:23 Read by Jim Pierson-Perry
Bragi 18:41 Read by Katty Cuadra
Idun 17:52 Read by Katty Cuadra
Niörd 12:56 Read by Katty Cuadra
Frey 25:27 Read by Cadence1
Freya 15:10 Read by Doreen Marcotte
Uller 5:51 Read by Sonia
Forseti 6:14 Read by Stacey Malcolm
Heimdall 13:01 Read by nilzboo
Hermod 6:22 Read by marisad6
Vidar 7:05 Read by marisad6
Vali 7:43 Read by Sonia
The Norns 13:11 Read by Victoria Temple
The Valkyrs 12:08 Read by Lynne T
Hel 10:08 Read by Phil Baxter
Ægir 23:45 Read by Phil Baxter
Balder 33:28 Read by Sonia
Loki 23:08 Read by Harley James
The Giants 14:19 Read by Harley James
The Dwarfs 7:49 Read by Larry Wilson
The Elves 7:44 Read by Larry Wilson
The Sigurd Saga 41:43 Read by Sonia
The Sigurd Saga Continued 39:55 Read by Sonia
The Twilight of the Gods 25:00 Read by Phil Baxter
Greek and Northern Mythologies—A Comparison 47:35 Read by Belinda McReynolds