The Perfect Frame

Read by Ben Tucker

(4.4 stars; 11 reviews)

T.N.T. packed in satin!

Lorena Dahl had her fingers on the straps of the halter and Dane knew she was going to rip them away. "Cut it out," he warned her. "It's strictly business between you and me!"
"I know a hotel," the girl breathed. "Just around the corner. We can talk business there."
"I want to know about the pictures," the detective insisted. "The pictures of you and the man who got himself killed this afternoon!"
"Not here," she said toying dangerously with the front of her dress. Every eye in the night club was on their table. Dane knew he was being framed. A perfect frame. "Let's go," he said. - Summary by paperback edition, back cover (4 hr 30 min)


Chapter 1 6:47 Read by Ben Tucker
Chapter 2 9:26 Read by Ben Tucker
Chapter 3 6:15 Read by Ben Tucker
Chapter 4 11:46 Read by Ben Tucker
Chapter 5 26:17 Read by Ben Tucker
Chapter 6 15:10 Read by Ben Tucker
Chapter 7 10:44 Read by Ben Tucker
Chapter 8 9:48 Read by Ben Tucker
Chapter 9 17:21 Read by Ben Tucker
Chapter 10 11:58 Read by Ben Tucker
Chapter 11 9:25 Read by Ben Tucker
Chapter 12 41:03 Read by Ben Tucker
Chapter 13 23:58 Read by Ben Tucker
Chapter 14 25:49 Read by Ben Tucker
Chapter 15 12:05 Read by Ben Tucker
Chapter 16 14:11 Read by Ben Tucker
Chapter 17 18:00 Read by Ben Tucker


old time PI story

(5 stars)

Good reader for this story.