The Powers That Prey

Read by Chris Pyle

(5 stars; 1 reviews)

True stories of criminals (the powers that prey) and the system (the powers that rule) by journalists who went among the criminal classes to gather material first-hand. Some of the chapters were first published in McClure's Magazine as a series called "True Stories From the Underworld." - Summary by Chris Pyle (4 hr 24 min)


Introduction 6:31 Read by Chris Pyle
In the Matter of His Nibs 25:15 Read by Chris Pyle
A Bill from Tiffany's 28:40 Read by Chris Pyle
The Revenge of the Four 28:08 Read by Chris Pyle
The Order of the Penitents 25:39 Read by Chris Pyle
The Prison Demon 24:48 Read by Chris Pyle
The Great Idea 31:23 Read by Chris Pyle
Found Guilty 20:50 Read by Chris Pyle
On Sentence Day 19:57 Read by Chris Pyle
Peggie Niven 32:36 Read by Chris Pyle
A Dead One 20:22 Read by Chris Pyle