Captain Billy's Whiz Bang, Vol. 2, No. 24, September, 1921

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

"Captain Billy's Whiz Bang" was an iconic magazine of wit and humor launched by W.H. Fawcett in 1919. Each 64-page issue was packed with jokes, quips, and humorous bits of writing. Each year it grew in popularity, and Fawcett’s success lead to the formation of the well-known Fawcett Publications, which issued Whiz Comics and introduced Captain Marvel. The magazine was immortalized in a line in the song “Trouble” from Meredith Wilson’s “The Music Man.” This issue has articles from, "Doug’s Peacock Walk.," "Naughty New York!" to "Japanese Bathing Beauties," and the usual features such as "Smokehouse Poetry," and "Whiz Bang Editorials."
- Summary by Larry Wilson (1 hr 49 min)


Going Back to Paris, Soldier? 1:30 Read by Larry Wilson
Drippings From the Fawcett 6:08 Read by James R. Hedrick
Doug’s Peacock Walk 7:13 Read by James R. Hedrick
We’ll Say So! / Our Traffic Cop / Ikey’s Recklessness 3:42 Read by James R. Hedrick
Overwhelmingly / Cassidy’s Routing 2:40 Read by Eve Cooney
Limber Kicks 3:37 Read by Eve Cooney
Naughty New York! 13:41 Read by Scotty Smith
Thus It Was / Wife - Mistress - Lady / Wifey’s Lament 3:10 Read by Nichole Evans
Questions and Answers 7:50 Read by oogiesragdoll
Whiz Bang Editorials 8:21 Read by oogiesragdoll
Smokehouse Poetry 11:52 Read by Larry Wilson
Our Movie Gossip / Our Local Color 8:12 Read by Epaul
Pasture Pot Pourri 7:28 Read by oogiesragdoll
Japanese Bathing Beauties 11:28 Read by Epaul
The Last Chortle / Back to Childhood Days / How’s This One? 2:13 Read by Anthony Will
Our Rural Mail Box 3:05 Read by Nichole Evans
Musings of A Bachelor / Our Army Daze/ Blankety Blank Verse 4:01 Read by Anthony Will
Larry Turn the Crank / Our Winter Annual 3:05 Read by Larry Wilson