The Poems of Madison Cawein Vol. 1: Lyrics and Old World Idylls

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

A collection of poems by Madison Cawein. It has been said that his vocation to poetry was irresistible. - Summary by Michele Eaton (8 hr 43 min)


Preface and Introduction 18:12 Read by llamaart
Lyrics 1:24 Read by Melissa T.
The Wood God 3:29 Read by Sonia
Loveliness 3:18 Read by Sonia
Waiting 1:51 Read by Melissa T.
Longings 1:04 Read by Melissa T.
The Sweet O' The Year 1:39 Read by Sonia
In Middle Spring 2:17 Read by Sonia
A Spring Shower 2:34 Read by Sonia
Hepaticas 1:23 Read by Sonia
Spirits of Spring 2:51 Read by Sonia
Mirabile Dictu 1:33 Read by czandra
A Dreamer of Dreams 2:39 Read by czandra
Pan 1:41 Read by Agnes Robert Behr
A Stormy Sunset 1:06 Read by Melissa T.
A Woodland Grave 1:57 Read by Agnes Robert Behr
The Old Byway 2:07 Read by nighthawks
The Woodpath 1:39 Read by Bruce Kachuk
The Sound of the Sap 1:50 Read by Bruce Kachuk
The Dryad 2:30 Read by Stefan Von Blon
A Dead Lily 0:43 Read by Anthony Will
The Dead Oread 1:53 Read by Sonia
Pax Vobiscum 1:30 Read by nighthawks
At Rest 3:50 Read by Sharon Larsen
Distance 1:26 Read by Agnes Robert Behr
Deficiency 1:45 Read by SBLynn
Midsummer 2:37 Read by ErinK
Diurnal 1:46 Read by dc
The Family Burying Ground 1:47 Read by Sharon Larsen
Clouds 0:52 Read by ErinK
The Heron 0:52 Read by Anthony Will
Avatars 1:35 Read by nighthawks
Lillita 2:42 Read by nbvoices
Miriam 1:47 Read by dc
Two Days 1:53 Read by nighthawks
Moonrise at Sea 1:08 Read by Agnes Robert Behr
In November 1:07 Read by Anthony Will
In Late Fall 0:58 Read by Agnes Robert Behr
With the Seasons 2:18 Read by ErinK
Tyranny 1:00 Read by Bruce Kachuk
What You Will 1:25 Read by Anthony Will
Midwinter 1:19 Read by Stefan Von Blon
To Gertrude 0:53 Read by nighthawks
The Gardens of Falerina 1:48 Read by dc
Romance 3:08 Read by ErinK
The Valley of Music 12:30 Read by ErinK
Blodeuwedd 8:26 Read by Agnes Robert Behr
Amadis at Miraflores 4:12 Read by Sonia
Urganda 5:33 Read by BenjHartin
Hawking 2:45 Read by nighthawks
Orlando 2:28 Read by Alan Mapstone
Yolanda of the Towers 3:32 Read by BenjHartin
Ermengarde 2:17 Read by Stefan Von Blon
Hackelnberg 1:46 Read by btomasetti
An Antique 2:59 Read by nighthawks
Jaafer the Barmecide 3:44 Read by Sonia
A Pre-Existence 5:32 Read by Sonia
The King 4:26 Read by nbvoices
Melancholia 9:36 Read by Winnifred Assmann
A Woman of the World 3:00 Read by czandra
A Guinevere 2:29 Read by czandra
Perle Des Jardins 3:38 Read by Sydney M
Face to Face 3:24 Read by Romeo J.
The Eve of All-Saints 3:05 Read by czandra
Mater Dolorosa 2:00 Read by czandra
Love as it was in the Time of Louis XIV 5:11 Read by Chocolate Yoddah
The Troubadour 5:19 Read by czandra
My Romance 2:27 Read by Stefan Von Blon
The Epic 1:51 Read by Stefan Von Blon
The Minstrel and the Princess 1:57 Read by Alan Mapstone
The Alcalde's Daughter 2:03 Read by ErinK
Ishmael 3:27 Read by Adrianher
In Mythic Seas 4:41 Read by Mars
Loke and Sigyn 12:34 Read by nbvoices
War-Song of Harald the Red 2:44 Read by Alan Mapstone
Yule 4:04 Read by czandra
To R.E. Lee Gibson 1:08 Read by Larry Wilson
Accolon of Gaul Prelude and Part 1 29:10 Read by honeybeesmeadow
Accolon of Gaul Part 2 22:18 Read by honeybeesmeadow
Accolon of Gaul Part 3 27:59 Read by honeybeesmeadow
Accolon of Gaul Part 4 17:14 Read by honeybeesmeadow
Peredur, The Son of Evrawc 22:29 Read by czandra
Isolt 7:45 Read by nbvoices
The Dream of Sir Galahad 5:02 Read by nbvoices
After the Tournament 2:09 Read by Alan Mapstone
The Dark Tower 3:34 Read by Alan Mapstone
The Blind Harper 2:26 Read by Alan Mapstone
Childe Ronald 4:43 Read by czandra
Morgan Le Fay 3:28 Read by Alan Mapstone
The Lady of the Hills 3:03 Read by Alan Mapstone
The Demon Lover 1:59 Read by Alan Mapstone
A Princess of Thule 2:28 Read by Alan Mapstone
The Daughter of Merlin 3:08 Read by Alan Mapstone
Tristam to Isolt 2:59 Read by Alan Mapstone
The Knight-Errant 3:02 Read by Jayjaysil
The Forester 19:31 Read by czandra
The Moated Manse 16:37 Read by czandra
An Old Tale Retold 13:02 Read by czandra
My Lady of Verne 8:34 Read by czandra
Geraldine 5:52 Read by czandra
At the Corregidor's 3:04 Read by Sonia
An Episode 3:44 Read by nighthawks
The Slave 1:22 Read by ErinK
The Rosicrucian 2:33 Read by Larry Wilson
The Norman Knight 1:25 Read by Larry Wilson
The Khalif and the Arab 9:11 Read by dc
Arabah 3:14 Read by Alan Mapstone
The Seven Devils 1:36 Read by czandra
Thamus 3:34 Read by czandra
The Mameluke 1:48 Read by czandra
Romaunt of the Roses 3:01 Read by ErinK
The Portrait 5:36 Read by Sonia
Behram and Eddetma 10:00 Read by dc
Torquemada 11:08 Read by Winnifred Assmann