Maw's Vacation

Read by Laurie Banza

(3.9 stars; 14 reviews)

Times has changed! Maw has only known hard work her whole life. She’s been married to Paw for 40 years, helping raise crops, raising children and pinching pennies their whole life. After all these years, and with some milestones behind them, it’s time to take a vacation. Destination: Yellowstone Park. But what does one who has never taken a vacation do on vacation? As dear ol’ Maw explores the only vacation she has ever had, she learns some humorous lifelong lessons about the environment, about people, about her family, about herself (Summary by Laurie Banza) (1 hr 4 min)


Introduction: Maw 3:40 Read by Laurie Banza
The Park-Bound Throng of Maws 3:18 Read by Laurie Banza
Studies in Mountain Pants 4:45 Read by Laurie Banza
Maw in War Paint 6:25 Read by Laurie Banza
In the Grip of the Law 10:46 Read by Laurie Banza
Enough for Five More 5:13 Read by Laurie Banza
Old Stanley's Story 3:10 Read by Laurie Banza
Spontaneous Eruption 6:05 Read by Laurie Banza
His Busy Day 5:46 Read by Laurie Banza
When Bozeman Was Riled 4:23 Read by Laurie Banza
All Ready for Bud 10:45 Read by Laurie Banza