Pillar of Fire
Ray Bradbury
Read by Ben Tucker

"We cannot tell you what kind of a story this
is. We simply cannot present it as we present
other stories. It is too tremendous for that.
We are very glad—and proud—to share it with you." - Summary by Planet Stories, Summer 1948 (1 hr 27 min)
I | 11:58 | Read by Ben Tucker |
II | 9:42 | Read by Ben Tucker |
III | 16:08 | Read by Ben Tucker |
IV | 20:03 | Read by Ben Tucker |
V | 29:09 | Read by Ben Tucker |
The many parts of man

Davey Baby
this story seems to grasp the desperation that the sterility of modern life imposes upon all of us. we clutch at the safety of modern liberalism that we are free from guilt and free from commitment. A philosophy which seems to sit well with the rich and powerful but denies the beauty of promised love and fidelity, surviving through the worst that life has to throw at us and holding on until the end. It seems to rail against behaviour misunderstood when looking back through the strike microscope of civility. don't we all learn for the possibility of permanence which only makes sense to the community and family builders: to the people who think every idea is note worthy and not depending if it suits either our or anyone"s agenda. the antihero in this story tagged against not only the dying of the light but also of preenlightenment

This story brought to mind "the burning times ' of long ago when the misunderstood were put to flame. I wish some of the philosophy that is spoken at the end was explored earlier on - it was hard, early on, to see the point but I'm glad I stuck with it. If you don't know the authors and stories mentioned, I recommend reading them - or listening. Many ( praise be ) are on Librivox. Is life LIFE without imagination and all its primeval elements?
A bit strange

Seven Archers
This is an odd one, not sure how tho describe it, part sci-fi, part horror, part fantasy? The reader does an excellent job telling the story.
An epic tale of hatred and woe!

Danette Mahlman
The best short story I've ever come across. One dead man walking the earth, Infused with hatred for the living. Determined to kill and destroy the living along with their modern, logical ways. A true thank you to Ben Tucker for the reading. It was beyond perfection!
Boring, pointless, interminable

Mark Burchard
Bradbury (and Burroughs) have to be the worst science fiction writers in the English language. the story left no impression on me because it was, frankly stupid and hack. Ben the narrator is patient and forgiving.
pretty dang good!

joe hurley
This is out of my wheelhouse. But I very much enjoyed it. Ben Ben the narrator is becoming one of my top favorite narrators. Very interesting story. Definitely worth your time.
pillar of Fire

Paul Billingham
A really deep and emotional story written by a brilliant author and very well read by volunteers. This story really touches the soul and makes one consider the afterlife.
What an idea

Kate Smith
There will never be another mind quite like Ray Bradbury's. The narrator was great and took nothing away from the story by overacting.