狄公案 (Di Gong An - Celebrated Cases of Judge Dee)

Read by Vivienne Wong

Celebrated Cases of Judge Dee is an 18th-century Chinese gong'an detective novel by an anonymous author, "Buti zhuanren" (Chinese: 不题撰人). It is loosely based on the stories of Di Renjie, a county magistrate and statesman of the Tang court, who lived roughly 630–700. The novel contains cultural elements from later dynasties, rather than Tang Dynasty China, however. (Summary by Vivienne Wong) (15 hr 45 min)


Section 1 入官阶昌平为令 升公堂百姓呼冤 13:47 Read by Vivienne Wong
Section 2 胡地甲诬良害己 洪都头借语知情 13:42 Read by Vivienne Wong
Section 3 孔万德验尸呼错 狄仁杰卖药微行 14:37 Read by Vivienne Wong
Section 4 设医科入门治病 见幼女得哑生疑 13:07 Read by Vivienne Wong
Section 5 入浴室多言露情节 寻坟墓默祷显灵魂 12:37 Read by Vivienne Wong
Section 6 老土工出言无状 贤令尹问案升堂 13:34 Read by Vivienne Wong
Section 7 老妇人苦言求免 贤县令初次问供 12:05 Read by Vivienne Wong
Section 8 鞫奸情利口如流 提老妇痴人可悯 12:49 Read by Vivienne Wong
Section 9 陶土工具结无辞 狄县令开棺大验 12:13 Read by Vivienne Wong
Section 10 恶淫妇阻挡收棺 贤县令诚心宿庙 11:50 Read by Vivienne Wong
Section 11 求灵签隐隐相合 详梦境凿凿而谈 14:30 Read by Vivienne Wong
Section 12 说对联猜疑徐姓 得形影巧遇马荣 13:30 Read by Vivienne Wong
Section 13 双土寨狄公访案 老丝行赵客闻风 15:17 Read by Vivienne Wong
Section 14 请庄客马荣交手 遇乡亲蒋忠谈心 14:06 Read by Vivienne Wong
Section 15 赵万全明言知盗首 狄梁公故意释奸淫 14:27 Read by Vivienne Wong
Section 16 聋差役以讹错讹 贤令尹将盗缉盗 13:56 Read by Vivienne Wong
Section 17 问路径小官无礼 见凶犯旧友谎言 13:48 Read by Vivienne Wong
Section 18 蒲萁寨半路获凶人 昌平县大堂审要犯 13:27 Read by Vivienne Wong
Section 19 第十九回 邵礼怀认怀认供结 案华国祥投县呼冤 14:31 Read by Vivienne Wong
Section 20 胡秀士戏言召祸 狄县令度情审案 13:29 Read by Vivienne Wong
Section 21 善言开导免验尸骸 审口供升堂讯问 14:29 Read by Vivienne Wong
Section 22 想案情猛然省悟 听哑语细观行踪 14:19 Read by Vivienne Wong
Section 23 访凶人闻声报信 见毒蛇开释无辜 14:46 Read by Vivienne Wong
Section 24 假消息假言请客 为盗贼大意惊人 13:34 Read by Vivienne Wong
Section 25 以假弄真何恺捉贼 依计行事马荣擒人 12:13 Read by Vivienne Wong
Section 26 见县官书生迂腐 揭地窑邑宰精明 14:44 Read by Vivienne Wong
Section 27 少年郎借助供认不讳 淫泼妇忍辱熬刑 14:17 Read by Vivienne Wong
Section 28 真县令扮作阎王 假阴官审明奸妇 14:43 Read by Vivienne Wong
Section 29 狄梁公审明奸案 阎立本保奏贤臣 14:39 Read by Vivienne Wong
Section 30 赴杀场三犯施刑 入山东二臣议事 14:31 Read by Vivienne Wong
Section 31 大巡抚访问恶棍 小黄门贪索赃银 14:40 Read by Vivienne Wong
Section 32 元行冲奏参小吏 武三思怀恨大臣 14:32 Read by Vivienne Wong
Section 33 狄仁杰奏参污吏 洪如珍接见大员 16:55 Read by Vivienne Wong
Section 34 接印绶旧任受辱 发公文老民伸冤 15:31 Read by Vivienne Wong
Section 35 审恶奴受刑供认 辱奸贼设计讥嘲 16:35 Read by Vivienne Wong
Section 36 敲铜锣游街示众 执皮鞭押令念供 14:05 Read by Vivienne Wong
Section 37 众豪奴恃强图劫 好巡捕设计骗人 13:12 Read by Vivienne Wong
Section 38 投书信误投罗网 入衙门自入牢笼 12:51 Read by Vivienne Wong
Section 39 求人情恶打张昌宗 施国法怒斩周卜成 13:28 Read by Vivienne Wong
Section 40 入早朝直言面奏 遇良友细访奸僧 18:33 Read by Vivienne Wong
Section 41 入山门老衲说真情 寻暗室道婆行秽事 17:49 Read by Vivienne Wong
Section 42 王虔婆花言骗烈妇 狄巡抚妙计遣公差 17:10 Read by Vivienne Wong
Section 43 王进土击鼓鸣冤 老奸妇受刀身死 18:20 Read by Vivienne Wong
Section 44 金銮殿狄仁杰直言 白马寺武三思受窘 18:44 Read by Vivienne Wong
Section 45 搜地窖李氏尽节 升大堂怀义拷供 19:31 Read by Vivienne Wong
Section 46 金銮殿两臣争奏 刑部府奸贼徇私 18:56 Read by Vivienne Wong
Section 47 众百姓大闹法堂 武三思哀求巡抚 18:06 Read by Vivienne Wong
Section 48 武承业罪定奸僧 薛敖曹夜行秽事 18:33 Read by Vivienne Wong
Section 49 薛敖曹半途遭擒 狄梁公一心除贼 13:18 Read by Vivienne Wong
Section 50 查旧案显出贺三太 记前仇阉割薛敖曹 12:36 Read by Vivienne Wong
Section 51 薛敖曹哭诉宫廷 武则天怒召奸党 14:49 Read by Vivienne Wong
Section 52 怀宿怨诬奏忠良 出愤言挽回奸计 15:25 Read by Vivienne Wong
Section 53 用非刑敬宗行毒 传圣诏伟之尽忠 13:19 Read by Vivienne Wong
Section 54 狄仁杰掌颊武承嗣 许敬宗勾结李飞雄 14:19 Read by Vivienne Wong
Section 55 太行山王魁送信 东京城敬宗定谋 14:40 Read by Vivienne Wong
Section 56 李飞雄兵下太行山 胡世经力守怀庆府 14:55 Read by Vivienne Wong
Section 57 安金藏剖心哭谏 狄仁杰奉命提兵 14:16 Read by Vivienne Wong
Section 58 开战事金城送命 遇官兵吴猛亡身 13:36 Read by Vivienne Wong
Section 59 访旧友计入敌营 获胜仗命攻大寨 14:57 Read by Vivienne Wong
Section 60 四面出兵飞雄中计 两将身死马荣回营 14:59 Read by Vivienne Wong
Section 61 李飞雄悔志投降 安金藏入朝报捷 14:45 Read by Vivienne Wong
Section 62 庐陵王驾回怀庆 高县令行毒孟城 15:36 Read by Vivienne Wong
Section 63 见母后太子还朝 念老臣狄公病故 17:05 Read by Vivienne Wong
Section 64 FINAL 张柬之用谋除贼 庐陵王复位登朝 15:13 Read by Vivienne Wong