Rational Theology and Christian Philosophy volume 2

Read by Barry Ganong

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In this second volume of his work on English rational theology in the seventeenth century, Tulloch describes the lives and works of the group of theologians known as the Cambridge Platonists. - Summary by Barry Ganong (0 hr 53 min)


Chapter 1: Historical Position of the Cambridge School – Philosophy and Christi… 32:08 Read by Barry Ganong
Chapter 1: Historical Position of the Cambridge School – Philosophy and Christi… 34:32 Read by Barry Ganong
Chapter 2: Benjamin Whichcote – Reason and Religion, Part 1 39:02 Read by Barry Ganong
Chapter 2: Benjamin Whichcote – Reason and Religion, Part 2 36:31 Read by Barry Ganong
Chapter 2: Benjamin Whichcote – Reason and Religion, Part 3 33:43 Read by Barry Ganong
Chapter 3: John Smith – Foundations of a Christian Philosophy, Part 1 26:01 Read by Barry Ganong
Chapter 3: John Smith – Foundations of a Christian Philosophy, Part 2 26:41 Read by Barry Ganong
Chapter 3: John Smith – Foundations of a Christian Philosophy, Part 3 34:49 Read by Barry Ganong
Chapter 3: John Smith – Foundations of a Christian Philosophy, Part 4 26:49 Read by Barry Ganong
Chapter 4: Ralph Cudworth – Christian Philosophy in Conflict with Materialism, … 33:16 Read by Barry Ganong
Chapter 4: Ralph Cudworth – Christian Philosophy in Conflict with Materialism, … 34:12 Read by Barry Ganong
Chapter 4: Ralph Cudworth – Christian Philosophy in Conflict with Materialism, … 39:18 Read by Barry Ganong
Chapter 4: Ralph Cudworth – Christian Philosophy in Conflict with Materialism, … 35:51 Read by Barry Ganong
Chapter 4: Ralph Cudworth – Christian Philosophy in Conflict with Materialism, … 34:30 Read by Barry Ganong
Chapter 5: Henry More – Christian Theosophy and Mysticism, Part 1 36:35 Read by Barry Ganong
Chapter 5: Henry More – Christian Theosophy and Mysticism, Part 2 39:24 Read by Barry Ganong
Chapter 5: Henry More – Christian Theosophy and Mysticism, Part 3 33:18 Read by Barry Ganong
Chapter 5: Henry More – Christian Theosophy and Mysticism, Part 4 28:34 Read by Barry Ganong
Chapter 5: Henry More – Christian Theosophy and Mysticism, Part 5 38:48 Read by Barry Ganong
Chapter 6: Minor Members of the Cambridge School, Part 1 37:46 Read by Barry Ganong
Chapter 6: Minor Members of the Cambridge School, Part 2 36:39 Read by Barry Ganong
Chapter 7: General Estimate – Religious Philosophy, Part 1 30:52 Read by Barry Ganong
Chapter 7: General Estimate – Religious Philosophy, Part 2 24:22 Read by Barry Ganong