
Read by Troy Hallewell

(4.4 stars; 654 reviews)

Once the world was beautiful and full of people. Great concrete cities filled the landscape and steel buildings reached high into the sky. But now, a century after an unparalleled destruction, very few portions of that old world remain, and, in the land known only as "The Waste", the few remaining fragments of a glorious past are breaking down, wearing out and disappearing on a daily basis.

Yet, it is more than just artifacts and memories of the past at stake when a new enemy arrives. Flooding over the land and leaving total destruction in their wake, these mysterious invaders will stop at nothing until all ties to the old and glorious world are destroyed and forgotten.

But there is one last hope, a rumor which speaks of a powerful people who survived the cataclysmic destruction of years before unscathed. Could they be the answer the tribes of The Waste need in their darkest hour? Could this rumored people hold back the tide of destruction or will The Waste, along with the final remnants of humanityโ€™s glorious past, disappear forever like dried grass in a flame?

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Episode #1 Read by Troy Hallewell
Episode #2 Read by Troy Hallewell
Episode #3 Read by Troy Hallewell
Episode #4 Read by Troy Hallewell
Episode #5 Read by Troy Hallewell
Episode #6 Read by Troy Hallewell
Episode #7 Read by Troy Hallewell
Episode #8 Read by Troy Hallewell
Episode #9 Read by Troy Hallewell
Episode #10 Read by Troy Hallewell
Episode #11 Read by Troy Hallewell
Episode #12 Read by Troy Hallewell
Episode #13 Read by Troy Hallewell
Episode #14 Read by Troy Hallewell
Episode #15 Read by Troy Hallewell
Episode #16 Read by Troy Hallewell
Episode #17 Read by Troy Hallewell


Great book.

(4 stars)

A great story line, engaging plot & it keeps you listening. The recording audio quality is a little tinny but not everyone can afford expensive equipment while your busy trying to eat & be a writer at the same time. My only complaint is the diabolical music after each episode. It's beyond lilting terror of a aspiring pop star who will not make the cut & is obviously a friend of the writer. Not only is it terrible but doesn't fit the story at all.

Loved It!! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

(4 stars)

I'm looking forward to the second book! The narrator's voice is perfect for this type of story : something like steam punk wild west. However, it is true that the sound is not clear, but that is not reason enough for not listening to this great book. What I loved the most was that one of the most valuable goods in The Waste were books! ๐Ÿ“š Hugs from Argentina!! ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿ˜Š

Very good

(4.5 stars)

This is a very well written and presented book, that stands out from the competition. The book is engaging throughout and doesn’t suffer any dead spots like many other books to. Narration is spot-on and complements The very good story. Well worth a listen and I will definitely try to locate book to.

(0 stars)

Mea culpa! I apologize. Book 2 was indeed available as an audio-book at iTunes. However, getting it will require me to download and install iTunes, a 400MG app, with tons of features I'll never use. Because I enjoyed your first book so much, I DL'd iTunes, and will install it ...

(0 stars)

Kathy, Thank you so very much for your viewpoint!!! I don't know if book two will be released on podiobooks. But you can always download them on audible.com or on Amazon.com. Just search for "Troy Hallewell". Thank you very much! It makes me SO pathetically happy to learn that someone ...

Great book

(4.5 stars)

loved it! I think this book is great. Finally a decent post apocalyptic book that's not just about zombies. well read also. just wish the other books were free but i actually will buy them as they are so good, which is rare for me to do


(5 stars)

So enjoyed this first book in the series. Very well written and read by Troy. Likeable and interesting characters. A plausible scenario after a catastrophic event into the Future. The only bad thing I have to say is the music was very annoying.

(0 stars)

Just finished episode 17 tonight, well worth a listen! I'd definitely like to see book 2 on podiobooks, or maybe scribl.com either would be fine with me. Audible and itunes are too much trouble, too intrusive for my limited tech abilities.