How to Do Chemical Tricks

Read by Kyle Van DeGlast

(4.2 stars; 13 reviews)

While a bit outdated in many of the more complex descriptions of several of the phenomena described, this book is nonetheless still fun and relevant for a person interested in basic chemistry or physics tricks, and the devices built in the book can be easily replicated with more modern materials. The book is split up into many little experiments, tricks, with an explanation on how it works, what's happening, and how to reproduce the effects at home.(summary by Kyle Van DeGlast) (1 hr 54 min)


How to do Chemical Tricks 4:15 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
Chemical Affinity, Sympathetic Inks 5:52 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
Alum Baskets, Easy Crystallizations 1:27 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
Charcoal Coated with Gold, Silver 2:10 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
Combustion 2:19 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
Chemistry of the Air 7:52 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
Amateur Air Pump, Asphyxia, Balloon in a Vacuum, Boiling Cold Water, A Sucking … 8:18 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
The Barometer, A Novel Barometer 4:37 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
Compressed Air 1:57 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
Noiseless Bell, The Bursting Bladder, Weight of the Air 1:46 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
Spoons Which Will Melt in Hot Water 0:31 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
Effect of Compression 0:35 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
To Cover Iron with Copper 0:39 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
The Elements 1:40 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
Potassium, Metallic Colors 4:05 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
Crystallization of Metals 1:33 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
Crystallization, Beauties of Crystallization 4:30 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
To Crystallize Camphor 1:02 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
A Solid Change to a Liquid 1:09 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
Magic of Heat, Sublimation by Heat, Heat Passing Through Glass, Metals Unequall… 3:41 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
Spontaneous Combustion, Inequality of Heat in Fire-Irons, Expasion of Metal by … 1:25 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
The Alchemist's Ink, Chameleon Liquids, Magic Dyes, Wine Changed into Water 2:27 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
The Chemistry of Water 3:01 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
Two Bitters Make a Sweet 0:26 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
Visible and Invisible 0:32 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
To Form a Liquid from Two Solids, Restoration of Color by Water, Two Liquids Ma… 3:05 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
To Make Ice 1:32 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
Curious Change of Colors, The Protean Lights, To Change the Colors of Flowers, … 2:32 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
Marking Indelibly 0:32 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
Visible Growth 1:09 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
Colored Flames 1:55 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
Water of Different Temperatures in the Same Vessel 0:41 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
Warmth of Different Colors 0:40 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
Laughing Gas 1:26 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
Magic Vapor, Gas from the Union of Metals 1:15 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
Green Fire, Combustion of Three Metals 1:03 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
To Make Paper Apparently Incombustible 0:38 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
Heat Not to be Estimated by Touch 1:02 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
Flame Upon Water, Rose-colored Flame Upon Water 0:44 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
Currents in Boiling Water, Hot Water Lighter than Cold, Expansion of Water by C… 1:42 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
The Cup of Tantalus 1:05 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
The Magic Whirlpool 3:28 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
Fire Under Water 0:32 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
To Light Steel 0:28 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
A Test of Love 0:36 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
An Egg Pushed Into a Wine Bottle 1:02 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
A Chemical Fountain 1:55 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
Weighing Gases 1:45 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
In Water but not Wet 0:36 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
Image of a Volcano 0:41 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
Reciprocal Images 1:14 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
Imitation of Animal Tints 1:15 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
Melting a Coin 0:33 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
Explosive Gas 0:47 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
Cold from Evaporation 0:24 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
Self-Dancing Egg 0:38 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
Flash of Fire in a Room 0:35 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
Cast Iron Drops 0:35 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
Explosion without Heat, Fiery Powder 1:33 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
Illumination 1:46 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
Sun and Spirit 0:29 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
Stars in Waster 1:48 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
Parlor Ballooning 0:54 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
Marvelous 0:37 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast
Mutability, the end 1:10 Read by Kyle Van DeGlast


Very Good

(5 stars)

The Description of experiments give a Basic Understanding of both chemical and physical nature and reactions of of common atoms and Molecules. The experiments Show both usefulness of The separation and or combination and also the volatility and danger involved in Chemical/Physical reactions. The description are well done although written many years utilizes many common reactants, solvents,solutes, etc along with detailed experimental technique.

(5 stars)

Excellent ideas, easy to do if you lived back then. Good for falling asleep, as it is read well and only some would be interested.