Sky King

Old Time Radio Programs, Sky King
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
Prince Aron Zibi | 14:51 |
Army of Blue Men | 14:22 |
The Stolen Pearls | 14:49 |
Capture of the Pearl Thief | 14:22 |
A Message in Code | 29:59 |
The Lady Sheriff | 25:30 |
The Mark of El Diablo | 25:13 |
The Black Circle | 19:23 |
Afternoon radio adventure

The adventures of Sky King, a modern flying rancher, made it to radio in the last days of afternoon children's programming. Sponsored by Peter Pan Butter, the program's announcer was a young Mike Wallace. Jack Lester was King. The show alternated with Jack Armstrong twice a week at 5:30 p.m. The TV version with Kirby Grant would obliviate all memory of an earlier show with baby boomers of the Fifties.
sky king

I loved the old Cessna Bambo Bomber Sky was flying before he got the newer Cessna 310 older viewers will remember this!

SKY KING the Radio Program and the weekend TV Show were my favorites growing up in the 50s.