How We Think

Read by Linda Andrus

(4.2 stars; 13 reviews)

A book written by an American education philosopher in which he proposed “This scientific attitude of mind might, conceivably, be quite irrelevant to teaching children and youth. But this book also represents the conviction that such is not the case; that the native and unspoiled attitude of childhood, marked by ardent curiosity, fertile imagination, and love of experimental inquiry, is near, very near, to the attitude of the scientific mind. If these pages assist any to appreciate this kinship and to consider seriously how its recognition in educational practice would make for individual happiness and the reduction of social waste, ...”

Excerpt From: John Dewey. “How We Think.” - Summary by Linda Andrus (8 hr 54 min)


PREFACE 3:25 Read by Linda Andrus
I. What is Thought? 32:22 Read by Linda Andrus
II. The Need For Training Thought 35:41 Read by Linda Andrus
III. Natural Resources in the Training of Thought 36:41 Read by Linda Andrus
IV. Social Conditions and the Training of Thought 23:44 Read by Linda Andrus
V. Training: The Psychological and the Logical 28:40 Read by Linda Andrus
VI. The Analysis of a Complete Act of Thought 24:58 Read by Linda Andrus
VII. Systematic Inference: Induction and Deduction 50:13 Read by Linda Andrus
VIII. Judgment: The Interpretation of Facts 37:19 Read by Linda Andrus
IX. Meaning: Or Conceptions and Understanding 46:48 Read by Linda Andrus
X. Concrete and Absract Thinking 23:51 Read by Linda Andrus
XI. Empirical and Scientific Thinking 28:15 Read by Linda Andrus
XII. Activity and the Training of Thought 30:48 Read by Linda Andrus
XIII. Language and the Training of Thought 43:29 Read by Linda Andrus
XIV. Observation and Information in the Training of Mind 29:45 Read by Linda Andrus
XV. The Recitation and the Training of Thought 31:28 Read by Linda Andrus
XVI. Some General Conclusions 27:00 Read by Linda Andrus


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